
[Cisco] Config

qahuni 2017. 7. 13. 15:59


hostname host


enable sercret 5 xxx
enable password xxx
username xxx privilege 15 password xxx
line vty 0 15
password xxx
service password-encryption

name server

ip routing

ip domain-name aaa.bbb.ccc

ip name-server

ip name-server


clock timezone KST 9

ntp server

ntp server

ssh server enable

username xxx password xxx

ip domain-name

crypto key generate rsa

line vty 0 15

transport input ssh

login local

ip ssh version 2

vlan trunk

int gi 0/28

switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q 

switchport mode trunk

factory default

switch#write erase 

Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files! Continue? [confirm]


Erase of nvram: complete


Proceed with reload? [confirm]

password forgot

장비 전원 부팅 시 전면 mode 를 누르고 있는다.

switch: flash_init

switch: dir flash:  (존재하는 config.text 파일을 확인)

switch: rename flash:config.text flash:config.text.old 로 변경

switch: boot (부팅) (config 파일을 못읽고 초기값으로 부팅됨)

configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no

switch> en

switch# rename flash:config.text.old flash:config.text (파일이름 원복)

switch# copy flash:config.text system:running-config  (원래 설정파일을 running config에 적용)

switch# conf t

switch(config)# no enable secret

switch(config)# enable password xxx (password 재설정)

switch# write memory (저장)

* 타 벤더 SFP 사용

Switch(config)#no errdisable detect cause gbic-invalid 

Switch(config)#service unsupported-transceiver

 Warning: When Cisco determines that a fault or defect can be traced to

the use of third-party transceivers installed by a customer or reseller,

then, at Cisco's discretion, Cisco may withhold support under warranty or

a Cisco support program. In the course of providing support for a Cisco

networking product Cisco may require that the end user install Cisco

transceivers if Cisco determines that removing third-party parts will

assist Cisco in diagnosing the cause of a support issue.


(CISCO ISO XR 등에서는 해당 인터페이스에 다음 추가)

transceiver permit pid all